Monday, December 1, 2008


When I was in college I barely knew that a counseling center existed, much less that I was able to go see a counselor for free 15 times a year! So I was surprised when I read this article from my former college to find out that 1 in 3 students use the counseling center each year. The fact is that every student (Lafayette and otherwise) needs to go to counseling. The sooner one goes to counseling, the better. The reality is that we are all in over our heads, struggling to keep up. As the counseling center said,

"Many students talk about relationships, or stress about careers or academics...It is very common for students to be concerned about living up to others' expectations. In some cases this helps them to keep motivated to achieve their goals, but in other cases it can lead them to worry excessively about what happens if they do not meet these expectations."

The pressures of life are too much. Yet in the midst of our failure and insecurity counseling cares for those who have no control. In this way, Jesus is the great counselor. When we have no where to turn and Jesus hears our prayer. While we are inadequate, Jesus is able. What this article shows is just how prevalent such a need is in everyone and how desperately we need someone to carry us through.

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